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1 In his search for new plant specimens he was more used to travelling on foot or by boat. But now, Brazilian ____________ [GOVERNMENT] documents showing that a road had been constructed through the Amazon basin had been discovered.
2 Before that, as research assistant at and latterly a curator of the _________ [PRESTIGE] New York Botanical Garden, he had spent almost ten years studying the forest.
3 Few __________ [OUT] knew more about the rainforest and its ecosystem than Prance.
4 On this bright November morning he was flying out with two other course tutors and 14 botany ______________ [STUDY] to make sure its impact on the surrounding habitat was not as serious as he feared.
5 He had just been appointed ____________ [DIRECT] of postgraduate studies at the National Amazonian Research Institute in Manaus, the Amazonian region's capital.
6 As the Brazilian international plane banked over the Amazonian rainforest, ___________ [BOTANY] ...
7 Ghilean Prance gazed at the dark-green canopy below: an expanse of trees almost _________ [BREAK]...
8 for 2.5 million square miles, with more _________ [VARY] of plant and animal life than any other place on earth.