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a chorus


a movement

string instruments

a venue

brass instruments

a tour

a verse

an overture

music genres

a gig

a conductor

rock band members

a choir

a composer

percussion instruments

woodwind instruments

bongos, cymbals, drums, timpani, triangle, woodblocks

the words of a song

cellists, oboists, horn players, pianists, trumpet players, violinists

the introduction of a long composition (e.g., a ballet)

a person who directs an orchestra

the part of a song that is repeated several times

a group of people who sing together (e.g., at a school or church)

cello, double bass, harp, mandolin viola, violin

bass player, drummer, guitarist, keyboard player, lead singer

blues, classical, country, EDM, folk, jazz, Latin, metal, pop, soul, rap, reggae

a person who writes music

cornet, Euphonium, French horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba

bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, piccolo, recorder

a number of live performances around an area

a place where a musical performance (or another kind of special event) happens

a live performance (especially of rock or pop music)

the part of a song that isn't repeated several times

one of several pieces of a long composition (e.g., a symphony)