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They were sad because a relative died last night.

El maestro estaba enojado con sus alumnos porque no hicieron la tarea.

¿Qué estaban comprando en la tienda?

No estaba durmiendo cuando ella hablaba.

Estábamos ocupados ayer.

Why was she so happy when I saw her yesterday?

¿Porqué estaba ella tan feliz, cuando la vi ayer?

Estaba limpiando la casa y cuando termine estaba cansada.

Ella estaba haciendo su tarea, cuando llegue ahí.

I was cleaning the house and when I finished I was tired.

Ayer estaban en el club jugando al fútbol.

We were busy yesterday.

Estaban tristes porque un familiar murió anoche.

I wasn’t sleeping when she was talking.

Yesterday, they were at the club playing football.

The teacher was angry with his students because they didn´t do the homework.

My aunt was working at the factory when I was a child.

She was doing her homework, when I got there.

What were they buying in the store?

Mi tía estuvo trabajando en la fabrica, cuando era niño.