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Trail /treɪl/

Aphid /ˈāfid/

Excocrine /ˈeksəˌkrin/

Forage /ˈfɔːrɪdʒ/

Upwind /ˌəpˈwind/

Gregarious /ɡrɪˈɡeəriəs/

Airborne /ˈerˌbôrn/

Caste /ˈkast/

1. Food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing Example: The grass serves as forage for livestock. 2. The act of foraging : search for provisions

N. A very small insect that is harmful to plants.

Adj. Liking to be with other people.

Adv. Adj. In the opposite direction to the way in which the wind is blowing.

Adj. Transported by air.

N. A specialized form (such as the worker of an ant or bee) of a polymorphic social insect that carries out a particular function in the colony.

N. A long line or series of marks that is left by somebody/something.

Adj. Producing, being, or relating to a secretion that is released outside its source.