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Angel Island

Old Immigration job opportunities

New Immigration

Immigration Act of 1917


Ellis Island

Old Immigration

One reason why Jews immigrated to the United States.

Reason for immigration


Great Hall, Ellis Island


New Immigration job opportunities

Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907

American Protection Society and Immigration Restriction Associate

the ability to adapt and become part of another culture

Building roads, laying railroad track, or building canals

poverty, starvation

People who were against immigration in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Northern and western European immigrants (England, Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia)

Anti-immigrant hate groups that were established in the 1890s

Japan agreed to limit emigration to professional, skilled workers and the U.S. promised to desegregate San Francisco schools.

sweatshops, factories, and mines

Southern and easter European immigrants (Italy, Greece, Russia and easter European Jews)

Religious persecution

Required immigrants to pass a literacy test in their native language,

people who cheated immigrants by overcharging them to carry their luggage or find them food and lodging