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TAKE AFTER Who do you take after more, your mother or your father?

TAKE CARE OF My neighbour takes care of my son while I'm at work.

TAKE (YOUR) TIME You don't need to hurry. Take your time.

TAKE UP Have you taken up a new sport or hobby recently?

TAKE TO My boyfriend's little sister has really taken to me - She always wants to play with me.

TAKE PITY ON The dog looked so hungry that I took pity on it, and gave it some of my food.

TAKE OUT Jonas is taking me out for dinner tonight. He's booked a great new restaurant. Please take the rubbish out. It's beginning to smell.

TAKE AGAINST I don't know why Mum has suddenly taken against the neighbours. She always used to like them.

TAKE INTO ACCOUNT As regards evaluation, coursework is taken into account, as well as exam results.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF You should take advantage of that job offer. It's a great opportunity.

TAKE PART IN Have you ever taken part in a demonstration?

TAKE NO NOTICE OF Take no notice of my brother. He's just being annoying.

TAKE OFF Take your jacket off- it's hot in here. The flight will take off in about 20 minutes.

TAKE PLACE The concert will take place on 6th March.

Think about sth/sb when making a decision.

To have compassion for, or show mercy to.


Do sth slowly, not in a hurry.

To begin to like.

To start to dislike, esp without good reason.

Begin a new activity.

1. To withdraw or remove. 2. To escort, as on a date.

Be similar to sb.

Participate in.

Make use of an opportunity.

Look after.

To ignore or disregard.

1. (for planes) leave the ground. 2. (for clothes) remove.