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Who was Carolus Linnaeus?

What course did Linnaues take ate university?

When was Carolus Linnaeus born?

What kingdoms were presented by Linnaeus in his studies?

When did Carolus Linnaeus die?

Where was Carolus Linnaeus from?

Did Linnaeus travel abroad?

Which was Linnaeus most succesfull publication?

Why did Linnaeus travel abroad?

What was the binomial nomenclature?

He was from Sweden.

He did medicine.

Yes, he did.

Stones, plants, and animals.

He travelled to The Netherlands to make his medical practice abroad.

He died on January 10, 1778

He was born on May 23, 1707.

He was a botanist who created the binomial nomenclature.

It was a uniform system for naming natural genera and species of organisms.

Systema Naturae