It is gray in color, it has large ears and stands, they feed on grass and serve to carry the weight of an object
it has a flattened yellow beak they like to swim in water it has two wings and two legs and is white
It has black and white spots, it provides us with milk and it also likes to eat grass
It is black in color, its head and neck are featherless, it has two legs with two wings, it extends its tail to protect itself.
it is white it has curly and fluffy fur it has 4 legs and its wool is used to make clothing
It has four long legs, large hooves with a long tail and runs fast. They are used in Mexican charrerias.
it is pink their tail is short and curly they like to roll in the mud and they are fat
lays eggs likes to sing in the mornings and has two legs with long nails
they are small they are white or gray they have long ears and they like to eat carrots or grass