For sale
Do the shopping
In cash / by card
Take something back
On sale
A shopaholic
Go shopping
Shop around
A price tag
Waste money on something
Try something on
Splash out on something
Retail therapy
Get a refund
Bargain hunting
A fitting room
Spend money on something
A receipt
A wallet
Grocery shopping
Window shopping
A bargain
Try clothes in a shop before buying them
Unnecessarily spend money on something
Paper proof of a purchase
A place in a shop where people try clothes
Use money to buy something or pay for something
Go to shops to buy things
Shopping for good deals and bargains
A money/card holder
Receive money back after a returning an item
Excellent value for an item on purchase
A tag which indicates the price of an item
For sale at a reduced price
Someone who loves shopping
Shopping for food items
Use cash or credit card to purchase something
Available to buy
Shop for regular necessities
Looking at items on sale, not buying
The act of shopping in order to feel better
Spend a lot of money on something
Compare prices before buying something
Return an unwanted item to a shop