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The trip


In this text, the articles (a - an - the) are used. The statments are incorrect. Identify the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly. You may find more than one mistake.

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The tripVersión en línea

In this text, the articles (a - an - the) are used. The statments are incorrect. Identify the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly. You may find more than one mistake.

por Diana Fúneme

After months of doing a hard work, I decided that I needed a break.

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I wanted to go on a trip and I asked a friend for an advice about where I could go.

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I really enjoy the travel and I love meeting people from the other countries.

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It's always a great fun. My friend said that I should go to Italy, which was great place I had never been to before.

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I got an information about the train tickets

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and the accomodation from the Tourist Board office and off I went.

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I travelled all over Italy and what a fantastic time I had! I really liked the pasta so I loved the food there

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and I like the extrovert people so I made the friends there everywhere I went.

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We talked about all kinds of the things, like the life, the love and a lot of less serious subjects, too!

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I found countryside in Italy beautiful and cities I went to were amazing.

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In particular, I will always remember an atmosphere and buildings in Venice.

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It's a place that makes an big impression on everyone who goes there.

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I'd love to go there every year - going on trip like that is my idea of the happiness.

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I'm planning next one now.

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hard work in uncountable.

advice in uncountable.

the author is talking about general things.

fun is uncountable and the author is talking about a place.

information is uncountable.

the author is talking about accomodation in general.

the author is talking about pasta in general.

the author is talking about general things.

The author is talking about particulat things.

The author is talking about the atmosphere and buildings of a particular place.

big starts with a consonant.

Trip is a singular word and happiness is mentioned in general terms.

The author is talking about a particulat trip.

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