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Jugar Memory

Everybody is eating Tide Pods so let's make a video of ourselves doing it!

Two Wrongs Make a Right


errors in reasoning

Why should we trust you to protect our neighborhood? You're so old!

Appeal to Tradition

Slippery Slope

Either you make good grades in school or you will go to jail. Which is it?

You sneezed and then there was an earthquake. Your sneeze caused the earthquake.

You can't prove Penguinisteus is a real god so he is obviously a real god.

Spider man is the best superhero because he is the most excellent one.

False dilemma

Argument from Ignorance

No one should eat out at restaurants when home-cooking has always been healthier.

So what if I stole a ham from the grocery store? They overprice their meat anyway.

Circular Reasoning


If we let him miss class today because he feels bad, he will start getting sick every day and stay home all the time!

False Cause

Attacking the person