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Judas Iscariot


Cain and Abel

John, the Apostle






Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve's two sons

was told he was deny knowing Jesus three times before the rooster crows

were the first people to be created

called by God to become the father of the people whom God would send the Messiah.

became Israel's greatest king and foreshadowed his greater descendant, Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Son of David.

even in the face of death in the den of lions, he trusted the Lord and refused to worship other gods.

were those men called to follow Him during His ministry

He was called by God to lead the Hebrew people from Egyptian slavery and later led them to wander in the wilderness for forty years. Also received the ten commandments from God.

the beloved disciple or the disciple Jesus loved

agreed to be paid 30 silver coins to betray Jesus