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Run out of. "If we´re not careful, we´ll run out of oil before alternative energy sources have been found"

Wipe out. "Ten years ago, few people could read or write in this country, but now, illiteracy has been nearly wiped out"

Go without. "No one should have to go without clean drinking water "

Lay off. "The company recently announced they were laying off two hundred employees"

Put up with. "For many years, people from small villages have put up with inadequate roads"

Carry out. "It´s time the president carried out her promise to vaccinate all school-age children"

Come down with. "More than a million people have come down with the mosquito-borne virus"

Come up with. "Municipal governments need to come up with a new approach to reduce homelessness"

Bring about. "We need to agree about what the problems are if we want to bring about changes"

Think of something such as an idea or a plan

Achieve or accomplish a plan or a promise

Make something happen, to cause to occur or exist

Accept a bad situation or person without complaining

Live without something you need or usually have

end or destroy something completely so it not longer exists

End the employment of workers due to economic conditions

Use up all of something and not have any more of it

become sick with a particular illness