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Marquis de Lafayette (POR)

Lexington and Concord (CAU)

Grievances (DEC)

Articles of Confederation (WOR)

Bill of Rights (WOR)

Boston Massacre (CAU)

Natural Rights (DEC)

Treaty of Paris (WOR)

Declaration of Independence (DEC)

Stamp Act (CAU)

Preamble (DEC)

Benedict Arnold (POR)

Boston Tea Party (CAU)

The Constitution (WOR)

Prussian military office who took over the training of the Continental Army and made them more effective.

John Paul Jones (POR)

Sugar Act (CAU)

Continental Congress (CAU)

King George III (POR)

Battle of Yorktown (WHAT)

Battle of Bunker Hill (WHAT)

French and Indian War (CAU)

George Washington (WHAT)

Thomas Paine (POR)

Valley Forge (WHAT)

Battle of Trenton (WHAT)

Battle of Saratoga (WHAT)

first national government of the United States, too weak and ineffective. was replaced.

most accomplished navy officer in the Revolution. defeated the British frigate Serapis.

organization of representatives from all colonies, began to work together to help each other and try to negotiate with the king.

famous for Washington crossing the Delaware at night, then surprise attack on the Hessians, which succeeded.

The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, designed to protect individuals' rights.

document authorized by the 2nd Continental Congress, written by Thomas Jefferson that said the colonies were no longer British.

Protest against taxes, Colonists dressed as Indians destroyed British goods by throwing them in the harbor

the replacement for the Articles of Confederation and the current form of government in the United States today.

Commander in chief of the Colonial Army . His leadership and strategy won the war.

Battle was the turning point of the war. Fighting from cover, using guerrilla tactics, forced British General Burgoyne to surrender.

tax on non_British sugar in the colonies to help pay for defense

Battle early in the Revolution, occurred near Boston, despite being defeated, it showed the colonist would fight hard and cost the British much.

French nobleman whose love of liberty led him to come fight for independence.

ruler of Great Britain. Did not want to end war, but was forced to by Parliment.

Peace treaty that ended the war between the USA and Britain, USA was given all land between the coastline and the Mississippi River.

a protest turned deadly when a mob fought British troops, who opened fire, killing 5.

tax on paper goods, enraged the colonists who boycotted and attacked tax collectors

Final battle of the Revolution. French and American forces surrounded the British and forced Cornwallis to surrender.

Baron von Steuben (POR)

God given rights that all people have. Life liberty and property. They cannot be taken from you.

War between the British and French won by Britain but very costly

The section of the Declaration where the complaints against the King and Great Britain are listed.

the opening section of the Declaration of Independence

writer who supported the cause for independence with his essays Common Sense and The Crisis

Winter camp of the colonial army. very harsh conditions with little supplies or food. Diseases were common, but the colonial army survived.

"the shot heard round the world" first battle in the American Revolution

American officer who tried to hand over the fort at West Point to the British.