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Fourth and final step to meal planning.

A great way to help you stick to your meal plan during the week.

Food Waste

A way to organize your grocery list.

Why does meal planning help you to eat healthier?

A great way to ensure you have leftovers for the next day or for the freezer.

Second step to meal planning.

Third step to meal planning.

Tips to save money .

Places you can find delicious, healthy meals when deciding what to eat.

2 reasons why to meal plan

First step to meal planning.

Have a grocery list with headings of the aisles in the grocery store. e.g. Fridge/Dairy; Produce; Bakery:

save money and save time

Scan grocery flyers while planning and choosing your recipes. See what you already have on hand in the fridge/freezer to use up.

-reputable internet websites -cooking shows -cookbooks -family/friends -magazines

Make a master list of recipes that you and your family enjoy!

Post your meal plan in the kitchen where you can see it.

Double batch cook (double the recipe)

Prevents you from eating out or using processed foods too often because you will have chosen healthy meals and have the ingredients on hand.

Stick to your meal plan and get cooking!

Make a grocery list.

Food that is produced but not eaten. When food is thrown out as garbage, it ends up in landfills and can produce the greenhouse gas methane. Food that is not eaten also means that the land, soil and water needed to produce the food were wasted.

Go shopping or order your groceries on line.