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1 Another type of MD that refers to the muscles that move the face, shoulder blade, and upper arm bone, and can thus cause walking, speaking, chewing, or swallowing problems. It progresses slowly; half of those afflicted with this disease can walk throughout their lives and have normal life spans.
2 a group of genetic diseases characterized primarily by progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal or voluntary muscles that control movement
3 This type of MD appears in men and women in their forties to sixties. It progresses slowly, causing weakness in the eye and face muscles and difficulty in swallowing.
4 This is another rare form of muscular dystrophy that appears only in males from childhood. It causes muscle weakness and wasting in the shoulders, upper arms, lower legs, and even to the chest and pelvic muscles. Life-threatening heart problems are common and can even affect carriers for the disease.
5 ________ is a form that occurs at birth, afflicting both genders. It causes muscle weakness along with severe contractors. Fukuyama in particular, a specific type of this type of muscular dystrophy, can cause brain abnormalities and seizures.
6 Another type of Md that causes weakness in the hips, shoulders, arms, and legs. Within twenty years, walking typically becomes difficult or impossible.
7 A type of MD. It is the most common form of muscular dystrophy in females and males, occurring in every 1 per 8,000. It usually appears from early childhood to adulthood
8 This is a type of MD. In most cases, the arms, legs, and spine become progressively deformed with severe breathing and heart problems in later stages of the disease.
9 This is a rare type of muscular dystrophy that affects men and women. It weakens and wastes away the distal muscles of the forearms, hands, lower legs, and feet.
10 Another type of MD that only occurs in males and causes heart problems. However, those with this disease can usually still walk in their thirties and can live further into adulthood.