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1 This type of text makes the audience imagines what they read and create different images about the content that the text explains, using the help of adjectives and adverbs to generate descriptions with many details and help the reader comprehend the text.
2 This type of text explains the process of something and gives explanations about how people have to do something step by step, sometimes using the help of images and diagrams that help people to comprehend the correct information of the process.
3 This type of text has the objective of informing and notifying readers about something in particular, explaining information in a clear way, presenting the subject and then developing it, and also, try to explain facts and do not use repetition.
4 This type of text tries to persuade and oblige that the audience do something and many times by wish and do not by necessity and sometimes it uses repeated words and create emotional connections
5 It is a literary genre that refers to any written work that is based on real facts and events and it helps readers to create analytical and persuasive abilities.
7 It is a literary genre in which an author invents all the elements of a story such as the characters (people that appear on it), the plot (the content), dialogues, and even the setting (story's location), creating in that way diverse stories based on the element of imagination.
8 It is a literary genre that refers to all the literary works in which a special intensity is given to the expression of emotions and ideas by the use of different styles and rhythms, increasing the imaginative and emotional power of the readers.
9 It is a literary genre that has the principal characteristic of being represented in front of an audience and it helps students who put it into practice to acquire and improve their communicative skills.
10 It means the diverse types of art, literature, or music characterized by a specific form, content, and style.
11 It refers to any piece of written material. However each text has diverse objectives and different writing methods have to be used to get the message across to the audience.