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Create your own video

Access content anytime

Use resources for inspiration

Become a critic

Learn by teaching

Track results to map progress

You or your students can familiarise yourselves with material by taking the opportunity to make video and upload it to ClickView.

Results of learning with multiple exposures can be tracked using interactive layers you add to videos for your classes. Throughout a unit of work, you can test student understanding to map the progress of your class.

For exposures to another angle of the material, your students can critique videos made by one another relating to your class topic.

You can use some of the provided educational resources for scaffolding your lessons to incorporate multiple exposures. Lesson plans include ideas for teaching, including activities that target different strengths and learning preferences.

Students can be given the task of creating an explainer interactive video for a younger/new/fellow student, giving them another exposure to topic material.

Students can access ClickView’s curriculum-alligned content anywhere, anytime on any device to aid their mastery of learning. They can watch a video multiple times, including with an interactive layer you’ve embedded.