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  • freckles – light brown spots on the skin

    cornrows – a hairstyle; hair is twisted together, close to the head, in thin rows

    glasses – something you wear to help you see better

    ponytail – hair tied at the back of the head

    braces – wire on teeth to make them straight

    spiked hair – a hair style; short hair that sticks straight up on the top of the head

    muscular – having big muscles

    beard – the hair that grows on a man's chin (the bottom of his face)

    bald – having no hair

    mustache – the hair that grows above a man's mouth

    shaved head – a head with no hair (the hair has been removed by cutting it close to the skin with a razor)

    pierced ears – ears with holes in them for earrings

    braids – a piece of hair made by twisting three thinner pieces over and under each other

    fingernails – the hard, thin part on the top of the finger

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