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Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Simple

Future Simple

Past Simple

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple

Future Continuous

My company will hire ten more software designers.

The job fair is offering free interview training.

My job has gone overseas and opened a new office in London.

Carlos will have been working at Apple but he probably will not.

My friends were working a summer job last year.

Maria will have taken the job but she will not have any experience.

We had been waiting for the door to open for 12 hours.

Marcos has been visiting human resources three times per week.

My mother worked at the government office all her life.

Students will be preparing for their university entrance exam in 3 years.

The surgery had taken too long so the family got anxious.

My dream job involves animals and nature.