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Generous (Vivienne)

Hard Working


Helpful (Vivienne)

Intelligent (Kelvin)



Determined (Kelvin)

Resourceful (Kelvin)


Caring (Vivienne)

Dedicated (Vivienne)


Confident (Kelvin)

'I never let problems get me down."

A small percentage of sales goes to support Vivienne's dream of making the world a better place for all children.

"But I knew that other kids were having a harder time than I was at that very moment."

"I want all kids to be able to play," Vivienne, now 10, told TFK. "I want them to be happy."

He built a rechargeable battery that provides power for homes in his area.

To help raise money for children like the two boys in the photo, Vivienne started a lemonade stand near her home in Marin County, California.

"Sometimes, it was hard for me, when the weather was bad or I wasn't feeling well," Vivienne says.

He also showed off his handiwork to students and professors at MIT and Harvard University, both located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

He made both using items he found in the trash.

Now, at 16, Kelvin runs a radio station in Freetown.

When Kelvin first began tinkering with trash, some people laughed at him. They said he was wasting his time.

She promised to work every day for a year, rain or shine.

There are many things Kelvin can't afford. He spends nights figuring out how to build those things.

Last year, Kelvin presented his inventions at the World Maker Faire, in New York City.