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Acute phase reactants


Dendritic cells

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin




Serum amyloid A

C-reactive protein

Aides in iron metabolism and transports copper - stimulates immune system to fight infections, repair injured tissues, and promote healing

Protects kidneys from damage by binding to free hemoglobin - used to monitor hemolysis

Coagulation factor that acts as a barrier to prevent further spread of microorganisms

Protective marker that increases during inflammation to protect tissues from enzymes of inflammatory cells

Proteins for destroying bacteria

Elevated during times of inflammation, can be used to monitor healing

Primary function is phagocytosis, also present antigen to T cells

Proteins; nonspecific defense against viruses.

Produced by liver; cause local inflammatory response

Bacteria won't survive in high levels of

Secreted quickly during inflammation; recruits immune cells to site; removes cholesterol from macrophages