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Sensory Processing Deficit

Spatial Relationships Deficit

Auditory Processing Deficit

Visual Motor Processing Deficit

Integration Deficit

Visual Memory Deficit

Processing Speed Deficit

Visual Discrimination Deficit

Broad Attention Deficit

Working Memory Deficit

Difficulty with: staying on-task, focusing on details, persevering for short periods of work performance.

Difficulty with: paying attention to and remembering information presented orally, carrying out multistep directions, listening skills, processing time, confusing syllable sequences, and developing vocabulary.

Difficulty with: seeing the difference between two similar letters, shapes or objects, noticing the similarities and differences between certain colors, shapes and patterns

Difficulty with: taking in information and processing in typically allotted time increments. Task completion is significantly delayed.

Difficulty with: telling a story in a correct sequence, memorizing sequences of information such as days of the week, or learning facts. May also have a poor vocabulary. Has difficulty with sequencing different pieces of information of making logical connections.

Difficulty with: copying from a board, writing within lines, moving around without bumping into things and easily distracted by visual information.

Difficulty may result in: extreme or fearful responses to touch, textures, noise, crowds, lights, and smells, even when these inputs seem benign to others. May also result in: an under-reaction or high tolerance to pain, constantly and inappropriately touching or bumping into people and objects, fidgeting and often characterized as “thrill seekers” leading to inadvertently putting themselves or others in danger.

Difficulty with: spacing letters and words on a paper, getting from one place to another, judging time, solving math problems, organizing content on paper and interpreting positions of letters.

Difficulty with: remembering lists consisting of written material, reading comprehension, and remembering spelling words

Difficulty with: using information presented in class, completing multi-step directions, recalling a lengthy list, planning, reading comprehension, reasoning, and problem-solving.