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4. Keith: You didn't do anything?

1. Keith: Oh, ... I'm so tired. That was a long night last night.

6. Keith: Well, I was thinking about it. But I don't want to be out too late.

7. Keith: Too tired to go out? No way! I'll be fine later.

2. Keith: Yeah, until about 2:30 in the morning. But it was fun.

3. Keith: Oh, definitely. The band was great -just awesome. So, anyway, what about you? Did you go out?

5. Keith: Too bad. Do you want to come out tonight? Are you doing anything?

Phil: You had a good time, right?

Phil: I don't have any plans yet. You're going out again tonight?

Phil: Sounds good to me.

Phil: No... I just stayed home. That's all.

Phil: You stayed out pretty late, huh?

Phil: No. I was just here all night.

Phil: So, you're not too tired to go out tonight?