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It really BUMMED me out when he forgot my birthday.

His anger and frustration had been BOTTLED UP for years.

Any hospital with high costs is a PRIME candidate for closure.

CONCUSSED players were seen by a doctor before being allowed to return to action.

Try to MAKE AMENDS for the rude way you spoke to Lucy.

It's impossible to get Martin FIRED UP at all.

The proposals will PAVE THE WAY for a resolution to the problem.

to do something for somebody in order to show that you are sorry for something wrong or unfair that you have done

to not allow other people to see that you are unhappy, angry, etc., especially when this happens over a long period of time

unconscious or confused for a short time, because of an injury to the head

 to make somebody feel upset or disappointed

most likely to be chosen for something; most suitable

to create a situation that makes it possible or easier for something to happen

Inflamed with enthusiasm, anger, or another strong emotion