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LeBron James was RANKED NUMBER ONE basketball player of all time.

. Before the fight, my coach told me to focus only on my OPPONENT in the ring and to forget about all the people around.

Parents often hope that their kids will compete professionally and become famous ATHELETES.

The American women team won the last Olympics TOURNAMENT and got a gold medal.

Sports Daily wrote that John Daly is a PROMISING runner because he won in the last few runs.

Anna Brown STOOD OUT in the game last Sunday because she scored many points and won the match.

Muhammad Ali was a boxing CHAMPION with an impressive 56-win record.

a person who is very good at sports and takes part in competitions

to be the best

something or somebody that may be very successful

to be much better than other similar things or people

a winner of first place in competition

a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played

a person who someone is competing against in a sports event