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If the first person to enter the house after midnight on New Year's Day is a dark-haired man,

If you are born on Christmas day,

If you sweep the house on New Year's Day,

You will have bad luck

If you dance around a tree on New Year's Day,

You will dream of your future husband or wife

A girl will get married by the end of the year

If you find a ring in your Christmas pudding/cake,

The family will become rich

If you open the door at the strike of midnight in New Years,

if a child is born on New Year's Day.

if you put a piece of Christmas cake under your pillow.

you will have good luck.

good luck will come into your house and bad luck will leave.

if she sees a man passing when she first looks out the window.

you will be the next person at the table to marry.

you will sweep the good luck out.

you will be healthy the entire year.

you will never see a ghost.

if the first person to enter the house after midnight on New Year's Day is a red-haired or a woman.