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Students will summarise and report the findings of the physical fitness assessment of the assigned population including a general exercise prescription to improve their physical fitness by means of a poster presentation.

Physical culture, sports and recreation

Electrical Circuits and Laboratory

Refractive Optometry I


Students will design a video where they implement a promotion – preventive dental program for the community.

Students evaluate European Cultural, Political and Economical issues to improve their negotiation skills in Europe through the development of a TED Talk as if they were experts of how to do business in Europe with a good or service proposed.

Students will make a video representing a role-play at the end of the semester in which they demonstrate they are able to recognize and argue the main domains that are required to be a dentist. They will take into account the basic sciences, the practical skills and the ethic and social component of a dentist in his/her daily basis. The students will work in groups of three to four people.

Students will carry out a role play where they show and associate refractive defects with the sensations of human beings.

Students will build and present a prototype of a profitable system of electricity generation by using renewable sources to reduce the air pollution and to supply a smart city solution.

Foundations of Dental Practice


Sports Medicine

In groups of 4 students will create a video (5 min) explaining what are the best exercises to design physical conditioning programs, taking account important physical changes, recommendations, benefits of physical activity and the right test to evaluate the physical conditioning for elderly.