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1 What are the three factors that are taken into account in the preptogenic period?
2 is the ordered relationship of events events that experienced interaction problems interaction of the human being with his environment, which carries him from the state of the state of health to that of disease?
3 it is the phase before the disease. At this stage the disease has not yet developed, which means that the affected person does not present clinical symptoms, or changes at the cellular, tissue or organic level
4 Which of these periods is not part of the history of the disease?
5 it occurs when all the circumstances and characteristics of the prepatogenic period coincide in a host
6 This is the time when the disease is manifested by specific signs symptoms. And in this way its diagnosis and management are easier.
7 The third component in the ecological triad e
8 period in which a causal agent invades the host
9 the disease disappears, becomes chronic or the patient dies. In the latter case, both brain and cardiac death must occur.
10 toda fuerza, principio o sustancia viva o inanimada capaz de actuar en el organismo de forma nociva
11 It is the person or living being that allows the subsistence, accommodation and development of an infectious agent that causes disease.