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I am a traveling company of acrobats, clowns, and elephants that give performances in a large tent. What am I?

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You can make me by carving stone or wood into a certain shape What am I?

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This group plays classical music in a large theatre. What am I?

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I am another name for a motion picture or a movie. What am I?

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If you want to make your own music, you would be a composer. If you are a composer, you _________ music. What is this?

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This is when you continuously toss objects into the air and catch them

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I am a set of pictures to make people laugh. What am I?

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If you paint a photograph a person, what are you are doing?

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If you paint a photograph a person, what are you are doing?

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I am a group of people that sing together at a church. If you are in this, you _________