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My COMMUTE to work usually takes an hour—even longer if there is a lot of traffic.

I could not RECALL the location of the office, so I used my map app.

There is not enough data to make a DEFINNITIVE conclusion, but we can make a very good guess.

Following a big snowstorm, some motorists were TRAPPED in their cars for hours.

We interviewed a lot of people about the traffic problems and, slowly, a solution began to EMERGE.

Always taking the quickest route may ROB YOU OF the chance to see the beautiful countryside.

An effective team listens to everyone’s idea and then tries to come to a CONSENSUS.

Map apps on smartphones were real GAME CHANGERS. Not many people use paper maps anymore.

People often feel a sense of SHAME after they have done something stupid or wrong.

The road is closed for repair so we have to take a DETOUR.

take away

when most people agree with a decision

events or items that change a situation dramatically



a bad feeling because of something you have done

be unable to escape

(n) the daily trip to and from work or school

firm and final

a longer and less direct route