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Compromise of 1850

Fort Sumter


Uncle Tom's Cabin

The 3 S's in TISSUES


Fugitive Slave Law

Raid on Harper's Ferry

Dred Scott

Bleeding Kansas

Industry & Manufacturing

Popular Sovereignty

Abraham Lincoln

Kansas Nebraska Act

South Carolina

The South's economy

Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe about the cruelty of slavery.

The belief that people can have the authority to decide certain matters, like slavery in your state

This allowed people who lived in Kansas or Nebraska to decide for themselves if slavery would be allowed

The first state to secede from the Union

This made California a state making slave states and free states unbalanced. Created the Fugitive Slave law

A small civil war that broke out in Kansas between Pro-slavery and Anti-slavery groups

The first shots of Civil War on April 12, 1861

Slave who sued for his freedom but lost

Led by John Brown to gain weapons to start a slave revolt

Made it a crime to help a slave escape

Slavery State Rights Secession

The North's economy

Won the Election of 1860 becoming the 16th President

Tax paid on imported goods. The South was the most effected by it.