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Insulinoma- a common endocrine disease in ferrets, signs are due to hypoglycemia such as lethargy, hypersalivation, falling over, weakeness in the hind legs etc

What is Dr Manfredi's favorite food?

TSH, T4, thyroid, thyroxin

PPID horse- hirsuitism, PU/PD, muscle wasting, immunocompromised

Target organs

Hypothyroid dog

Equine Metabolic Syndrome is characterized by obesity, regional adiposity, and a predisposition to laminitis. Insulin concentrations will be significantly elevated as compared to glucose values.

This is what a deficiency of growth hormone would look like.


Addisons' Disease - the great pretender, can look like a lot of things and be fatal

Anterior Pituitary Hormones

MSU VDL padded mailer- send serum or plasma samples safely with this padded mailer. Ice packs placed here can keep samples frozen overnight. These are available from VDL (potentially free?? Dr P can you confirm?).

Serum is from this tube.

Testes, ovaries, mamary gland, adrenals, thyroid, liver, bones,

Hyperthyroidism would result in an animal looking like this.

Plasma comes from this tube

Chocolate, with tea a close second, and scones the third!

LH, FSH, GH, prolactin, ACTH, TSH