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transverse cervical ligament

round ligament

urethral orifice


greater vestibular glands

vaginal orifice



broad ligament


hollow organ with thick muscular walls approximately 8 cm long, 6cm wide and 3cm thick. it has 3 parts: the fundus, body, and cervix

runs in the broad ligament to hold the cervix and the fornix of the vagina to the lateral pelvic wall

fold of the peritoneum that attaches the side of the uterus and ovary to the pelvic wall

located inferolaterally to the vaginal orifice. they secrete mucous into the vestibule of the vagina during sexual arousal.

opens into the vestibule in front of the vaginal orifice, about 2 cm posterior to the clitoris

lie within the broad ligament and travels out of the pelvic cavity, through the inguinal canal to the labia majora

fibromuscular tube that runs between the cervix and vaginal orifice. it is an outlet for menstrual flow, receives the erect penis during intercourse.

erectile organ that is highly sensitive to tactile stimulation and will enlarge during female sexual arousal.

the external opening of the vagina that opens into the vestibule behind the urethral orifice

primary sex organs of the female and produce the female sex cells (ovum)