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Digestive System

Cardiovascular System

Integumentary System

Endocrine System

Skeletal System

Nervous System

Reproductive System

Urinary System

Muscular System

Lymphatic System

Respiratory System

Hormones Alter the metabolism of target cells

Helps make Vitamin D , Detects pain, touch

Responsible for transporting various substance & the cells are responsible for fighting disease

Enables the body to move. It plans a role in posture

Sensory Function Integrative Function Motor Function

Consists of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi

Consists of the Blood, Heart, and Blood vessels

contains: uterine tubes, uterus, mammary glads contains: epididymes, ducts deferens

The breakdown of ingested food, both physically and chemically

Filters Blood in order to extract metabolic waste

Provides Support & Protects the Body