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what is poetry?

When poetry began?

What is a narrative poem?

What is a limerick poem?

What is dramatic poetry?

How to present a poetry verse?

What is Lyric poetry?

How many syllables has a Haiku?

What are the types of poetry?

My Big Fat Cat By Christian M. Mitewu.

Poetry is a kind of writing, usually in verse

The Rainbow By Christina Rossetti.

Snowball by Shel Silverstein.

17 syllables.

A worm in my pocket by Jodee Samano.

Haiku, Narrative, Limericks.

Poetry began in prehistoric times when people passed down their oral history in poetic language and song.

Lyric poetry is any short poem.

The Spider And The Fly By Mary Howitt.

A limerick is a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem, especially in five lines with a strict rhyme scheme.

Waiting At The Window By A. A. Milne.

Dramatic poetry also tells a story, but in this case one or more of the poem's characters acts out the story.

Narrative poems are ones that tell stories, an epic or ballad.

Poetry verse is set out in short lines with words put together in rhythm or rhyme or both.