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1 The first step in ASSURE model is to analyze .... of learners and specific entry competencies and learning styles of learners.
2 A statement of what each learner will achieve, not how the lesson will be taught.
3 Psychological trait that determines how an individual perceives, interacts with, and responds emotionally to learning environments: multiple intelligences, perceptual preferences, and strengths, information processing habits.
4 Lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program.
5 Learning objective should include the ... under which the performance is to be assessed.
6 Curriculum and technology ......., descriptions of expected student performance outcomes established at the school district, state, or national level.
7 What does 'A' stand for in the ABCD's of well stated learning objectives?
8 The verb stated in an objective to specify the .... to be demonstrated by learners is important in writing a learning objective.
9 The first step in planning a lesson is to identify and ... learner characteristics.
10 The final requirement of a well stated objective is the .... of accuracy or proficiency by which minimally acceptable performance will be judged.
11 Second step in ASSURE model is to ... the standards and learning objectives.
12 The ...'s of well stated objectives provide an easy process for writing learning objectives.