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Johannes Kepler

scientific method

Isaac Newton




Nicolaus Copernicus


Galileo Galilei

René Descartes

Tycho Brahe

Francis Bacon

Robert Boyle

Assembled an astronomical telescope. Was kept under house arrest for the rest of his life for proving the heliocentric theory.

Provided evidence that supported Copernicus's theory.

Emphasized human reasoning as the best road to understanding.

By the age of 24, he had formed a brilliant theory to explain why the planets moved as they did.

He proposed a heliocentric model of the universe.

In the scientific method, scientists propose a logical __________, which they then test.

a sun-centered model of the Universe.

a branch of mathematics partially developed by Newton and used to explain his laws.

force keeping the planets in their orbits around the sun.

a step-by-step process of discovery to collect and accurately measure data.

Calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun.

He wanted science to make better life for people by leading to practical technologies.

He explained all matter as being composed of tiny particles that behave in knowable ways.