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Natural Resources


Ice Cap


Mediterranean Brush


Coniferous trees

Deciduous Trees

Hot and Dry

Desert and Desert Brush


Mountain Grassland and Brush

The Tundra is an area of cold climate and low lying plants.

Thick Ice Caps form around the poles, with their year-round climates of extreme cold.

Renewed through the water cycle.

Formed from rocks and Organic Material broken down by natural processes.

Shrubs and other low plants in Mediterranean climates have to hold water from winter rains to survive hot, dry summers.

Trees that produce cones to carry seeds.

Lose their leaves in the fall.

In Mountain Grassland and Brush region, vegetation depends on elevation, since temperatures drop as altitude increases.

Dry and semiarid areas and deserts with some rain support animals and low-lying desert plants

A useful material found in the environment.

A grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with a few trees.
