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After their argument, they kissed and MADE UP, as usual

I think Steve FANCIES you! He always looks at you in class

When I left, the barman was CHATTING Sally UP

I can't stand Bella. She's always LOOKING DOWN ON people just because her parents have a lot of money

If you want to marry him, you'll have to PUT UP WITH his mother. She's a pain in the neck!

Harry and Juliet have GOT ENGAGED. The wedding is in December

I FELL OUT with my boyfriend yesterday because he received a call from an unknown number

She's been really depressed since she SPLIT UP with her boyfriend.

I really GET ON well with my sister because we have a lot in common

forgive someone and be friendly with them again after an argument or a disagreement

like somebody

have a good relationship with somebody

talk to someone in a way that shows that you're attracted to them

end a relationship or marriage

tolerate somebody / something

have an argument with somebody

have formally agreed to get married

Think you're better than someone