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Emergency Expulsions can be used for

Students disability continues to factor into behavior and disrupting the learning environment

Student who presents with self-harm behaviors

Emergency Expulsions should not be used for

Student who is under the influence or has substance on person

Student who is chronically defiant

Consider community based support through mental health services; engage plan with counselor to support student and plan of management for symptoms during school hours

Bring team together to determine whether current programming is meeting the needs and abilities of the student; always include SPED case manager when discipline is an issue, consider the BAIT team for further behavioral assessment

Keeping the school environment safe Allowing a threat assessment to be completed Assessing EACH day whether the student is safe to return to school and should be done when established

Consult with Drug and Alcohol Staff at District to consider drug/alcohol evaluation and encourage treatment

If student is general education, bring team together to create a Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan; if student is SPED, an FBA should be conducted to determine better support

To force a guardian to comply with a school's directive To force a student into services such as SPED or mental health To give staff a break or create a plan