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Do like adventure sports? Are there any adventure sports that you would like to try?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Do you do much during your free time?

How many hours a week do you usually work/ study (English)?

Do you enjoy your job?

Do you prefer to go out in your free time or stay at home? Why? / Do you enjoy parties? Why/ why not?

Do you have a regular routine on your days off?

What time do you usually arrive at work/ university?

What do you do to relax?

How long have you known your best friend/ oldest friend?

Do you often going shopping?

Do you like sports?

Do you have many friends?

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

stressed, relaxed

adaptable, flexible, predictable, organized

competitive, uncompetitive

sociable, fun loving, a party animal

hard-working, lazy, a slacker

outgoing, sociable, the life and soul of the party

positive, negative, gloomy, a complainer, a whinger


adventurous, unadventurous, brave, courageous, thrill seeking

loyal, faithful

indecisive, impulsive, spontaneous


dynamic, energetic

punctual, unpunctual