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CAUSE: Germany had finally surrendered, and the only remaining Axis power was Japan. Harry Truman the new American president, had to make a decision. He was eager to finish the war.

CAUSE: The war on the Pacific continues and the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa will take place, but will escalate in violence

CAUSE: On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched their attack on Pearl Harbor, one of the islands of Hawaii

CAUSE: After the declaration of war on Japan, the U.S. attacked by bombing the capital city, Tokyo.

CAUSE: Japan decided to go over the Pacific on an imperialist and expansionist camapign

CAUSE: France fell to Germany

CONSEQUENCE: The U.S. reponded to this by freezing Japanese assets and impossing an oil embargo

CONSEQUENCE: The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to force them to surrender

CONSEQUENCE: Japan replied by attacking the Midway island. This action would increase the defensive perimeter against the U.S.

CONSEQUENCE: Japan saw the opportunity and seized Indochina.

CONSEQUENCE: Suicidal Japanese troops and Kamikaze pilots will try to stop the U.S. advance but will fail

CONSEQUENCE: The U.S. (military, Congress, civilians) united and supported a war against Japan. The Islationism era was over.