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I got a joke for you.

Mrs. Frank fears that her daughter won't mature enough to realize how she treats others

To be perfectly safe, from eight in the morning until six in the evening we must move only when necessary and then in stockinged feet. We must not speak above a whisper. We must not run any water.

Sometimes I wish the end would come… whatever it is

Everybody gets exactly the same… except Mr. Van Daan always gets a little bit more

I can smell the wind and the cold on your clothes

This isn't the black market, Mrs. Frank. This is what we call the white market… helping all of the hundreds and hundreds who are hiding out in Amsterdam

Don't stay up here, Mr. Frank. What's the use of torturing yourself like this?

What kind of a jew are you that you don't know hanukah

No trash must ever be thrown out which might reveal that someone is living here, not even a potato pairing.