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This amendment gives all citizens the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and right to protest.

This amendment outlaws cruel or unusual punishment.

No matter what ethnic background you have or what color your skin is your vote cannot be denied.

Congress has the power to collect taxes because of which amendment?

This amendment guarantees the right to bear arms.

Your vote cannot be denied on account of gender.

Anyone over the age of eighteen cannot be denied the right to vote on account of age.

If presidential vote ends in a tie the house of representatives get a vote for the president and the senate get a vote for the vice president.

Because of this amendment you do not have to house soldiers in times of peace.

Congress cannot put taxes on voting.

which amendment says that anyone born in the United States is considered a citizen of the United States.

All people are given the option of a trail in court because of which amendment.

The vice president is next in line for president if the president dies or is impeached.

This amendment abolished slavery.

You can't be held to answer for a capital or infamous crime

The fourteenth amendment.

The sixth amendment

the first amendment.

The twenty fourth amendment.

The second amendment

The thirteenth amendment.

The nineteenth amendment.

The eighth amendment.

The twenty fifth amendment.

Twenty Sixth amendment.

The fourth amendment.

The fifth amendment.

The fifteenth amendment.

The sixteenth amendment.

The twelfth amendment