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Step 5: Analyze the Results

Step 6: Conclusion

Scientific Method

Scientific Knowledge

Add weight to location 1 on this balloon would cause the balloon to float upwards straight

Add weight to location 2 would cause this balloon to rise upward straight


Step 3: Hypothesis

Step 1: Make observations about the natural world

Step 2B: Research

Step 4: Procedure/Experiment

Generate Concepts/Research

Step 2A: Ask a Question

Engineering Design Process

In this step we...learned about aerospace engineering, flying machines, types of hot air balloons, & how hot air balloons are steered.

In this step we... looked at a prototype hot air balloon

What stepwise process did we do today to research how adding weight to a hot air balloon effects stability

Using the scientific method give us this about hot air balloons and how they work

In this step we identified this - How does the weight distribution on the balloon effect the ability of the balloon to fly straight without flipping over?

This is the step of the engineering design process that we completed by performing the lab how adding weight to a hot air balloon effect stability

Stepwise process where we learn how to design and build a prototype prosthetic arm

In this step we...made a claim about "Adding weight to the bottom of the balloon will cause the balloon to rise up straighter without flipping as much" based on the experiment

In this step we...made a claim about " How does the weight distribution on the balloon effect the ability of the balloon to fly straight without flipping over?" based on our research only

The hot air balloon created at the end of the engineering design process is this.

In this step we...looked at our lab results of a hot air balloon to see how adding weight and moving weight around on it effected how it flew (flip more/less)

In this step we...put weight in different areas of a hot air balloon and recorded how well it flew