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How do you say this sentence in German.Germany had over 2 millennia of history,and it’s population is over 82 million.

What are the main ingredients to Berlin’s Curry and Chilli.

Berlin Flag

What are 2 countries around Berlin.

What is the average temperature in Berlin.

What is the name of the bear on the Flag.

What is a landmark in Berlin and why is it famous?

What,when,where,and why was The Berlin Wall built.

What are some of the native animals in Berlin.

Berlin Wall

Why was the Berlin Wall destroyed.

What language do they speak in Berlin.

Deutschland hat eine über zwei Jahrtausende alte Geschichete und seine Bevölkerung betra über 82 Millionen.

Sugar,curry powder,and papika


Why the Berlin Wall was built is because it divided East Berlin from West Berlin.Where it is in the middle of East and West Berlin.When The Berlin Wall was built in 1961.What the Berlin Wall is famous for being created by counterparts Walter Ulbricht and Nikita Khrushchev.

Albert The Bear


In Berlin the high is usually 75 degrees Fahrenheit,and the low is usually 28 degrees Fahrenheit.

To have freedom from West Berlin.