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Competition for jobs is intense.

High tariffs such as the Hawley Smoot Tariff & War Debt

Banks have no regulation, make unwise investments with customers' money

People lose their jobs

Overproduction in industry & agriculture

Laissez faire economy means government is hands off

Poor farming techniques & natural disaster cause the Dust Bowl.

Southwest needs jobs and electric power.

Speculation in the stock market & buying on the margin

Hoover believes the economy will fix itself

Stock Market Crash 1929

Without jobs, people can no longer pay their mortgage and the banks foreclose on their homes. Many people are homeless

Americans panic, run to the banks & withdraw their money. Banks collapse

As the Great Depression gets worse, the government is unable to provide adequate support for people

Mexicans & Mexican Americans are sent back to Mexico (repatriation).

Hoover becomes very unpopular as the Depression gets worse. FDR is elected.

Prices drop, workers are laid off or fired

Farmers called "Okies" move West

Europeans cannot afford US goods, profit plummets, businesses are forced to lay off workers

The Hoover Dam is built.