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Administrative approval through video approval form.

- school email is public record - keep it professional - use only school accounts when communicating with current students and parents

Public Domain

Creative Commons Search

Fair Use

Works published before 1923. Are available to be copied, edited, shared and exploited.

Amazon Prime and Netflix videos

Are for your personal viewing. The should not be shown in a public venue such as your classroom.

A safe place to look for videos, images, sounds and other media.


Movies you own or that are in the library for use require administrative approval before showing in your classroom. Movies should be shown as a part of face-to-face instruction and not as a reward.

Four Factors: 1. Purpose for how you are using the creative work. 2. The nature of the creative work - books, novels, images, etc. 3. Amount of material you use. 4. Impact on the market for your use of the material - would it hurt the creator's ability to sell it?