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E.g. I am not going for the meeting later.

E.g. I have just submitted my drawing to Mr. Tee.

E.g. I have known Adam since we were in pre-school.

E.g. Jane is working on the design in the studio at the moment.

E.g. I am studying graphic design at the college.

E.g. I have been to America.

E.g. I have been working on this model for the past two hours.

E.g. It usually rains a lot in November.

E.g. A square has four equal sides.

E.g. The ground is wet because it has been raining.

E.g. The train to KL leaves every 30 minutes. / She wears a black sweater to class every day.

Present Simple: Used to talk about facts

Present Perfect: Used to talk about a state that continues from the past to the present

Present Continuous: Used to indicate a definite plan, intention, or activity that will or will not happen in the near future

Present Simple: Used to talk about things that are generally true

Present Simple: Used to talk about regular, repeated actions, or habits in the present time.

Present Perfect: Used to talk about recently completed action

Present Perfect: Used to talk about a completed action without indicating a specific time

Present Perfect Continuous: Used to talk about actions that began in the past and is still in progress now - expresses the duration of the activity

Present Continuous: Used to talk about things that are in progress right now

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Used to talk about an action that has been going on for period of time but has just recently completed

Present Continuous: Used to talk about the process of doing an action, not necessary right at this moment, but happening for a longer period of time